Monday, June 20, 2011


life is so interesting. no matter where i think my life is headed i always end up somewhere different, sometimes better. i never thought i'd be living in arizona. it is so hot here!! it was 104 today. it's been slow work getting to know people in my ward. yesterday was the first time i actually had a conversation with someone. two weeks ago this girl randomly came up to me and asked me to teach relief society (a women's class after sunday school) and i accepted (it was afterall my calling last semester at byu). then, saturday night the 2nd counselor in the bisopric called and asked me to talk the next day in sacrament meeting. ahh!! there went my saturday night. but it went well. i like speaking in front of groups. i think its one of my talents. but so that was last week, and yesterday i began talking with a couple people. i guess i'm slow in opening up. i also finished my first translation as a freelance translator a few weeks ago. that was a lot of hard work, way harder than anything i did in school. but so life is good. different, crazy, unplanned, up in the air, but good.