Sunday, July 31, 2011


did you know not accepting help is a form of pride? i didn't, and let me explain how i came to this realization.

lately i've been the recipient of a lot of help. i've found myself feeling unworthy, selfish, and almost spoiled when i think about all the help i've gotten. i started thinking about other people i knew and wondering why they didn't receive the kind of help that i have, and i almost started wishing i didn't have it. i'm a pretty independent person and i like and need to do things for and by myself. accepting financial help makes me feel weak and childlike and immature. it almost got to the point where it sounded like i was complaining about all this help. and then i was talking with my brother and his wife tonight and they told me the help was a blessing, not a burden like i was making it out to be. i guess for some reason i was putting myself down to the point where i didn't feel i deserved to be helped by anyone, because of my independent attitude. they then informed me this was a form of pride. i don't think i'm better than anyone else, and in fact it may be the opposite.

learning to accept help and being grateful for it is hard! when you can't do something by yourself we need to let others help us. these are called blessings and we should be grateful for them. also, you can't compare yourself to anyone else cause everyone's lives are different. i've been BLESSED with a family who loves and cares about me, and so i've been BLESSED by their help a lot in my life, and that's okay. i guess i just feel for those who don't have people they can turn  to in times of need.

when i was in provo i made a list of things i learned in college, and soon i'm gonna start making a list of things i've learned in arizona. accepting help and the service of others is going to be number one on the list.

so, dear reader, shut up and say thank you and be grateful when people help and serve you!

lesson learned.

the end.