Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Greatness

So do you ever have those days when you just think you're so cool? Well, I had one of those days this week. I mean, I'm awesome!! I think too many times we get down on ourselves and it's too easy to let the world tell us how and what to think. I think I'm one of the best people I know. I'm kind, considerate, passionate about what I love, honest, an amazing friend, diligent, punctual, hard-working (when I'm not looking at the lights out the SWKT window), sweet, and cute as all getout. :) I mean, what's not to love? I think I'm pretty cool and I love the days when I think this way. I could go on and on about how great I am; I mean, the list is huge. But I won't. So yeah. I'm great.


  1. Agreed!!! You are pretty awesome! I would pay for a day to feel like that!

  2. I agree with everything you said. You could also have said that you have the ability to nurse another person back to health. You nurtured me back to health and you spiritually nurture the sisters you visit teach and the sisters in your Relief Society ward. Add nurturing to your list of traits. You also forgot your most outstanding trait--HUMILITY.
