Saturday, March 19, 2011

jobs. yuck.

So I've been looking for a job this semester and no luck. I keep getting excited when a possibility arises and then I get let down when it doesn't follow through. I know I'll get one, I just want one before I graduate so I know whether I'm moving home for the time being or I'm staying here to work. As of right now I'm planning on moving back home after graduation just to save money on rent. However, today I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I need to stay here. But where am I going to live? What if I don't have a job right away? It's hard trusting your feelings. I'm willing to relocate anywhere. I just feel that if I move back home I'll be stuck there because there's nothing and no one there. It's a good town for people who already have families and already are in their career, but it's not exactly an up-and-up booming town for young single college students. Hm. I have no idea what to do.

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