Friday, April 29, 2011

death, regrets, and life

i had the weirdest and most real dream last night. i dreampt that i was dying, i don't remember why or how, but i for some reason had the option to either die and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ or continue with my life but change one thing. as i debated whether to die and live with them or stay alive, i thought about what i would change about my life; the one thing i would change. it was interesting, cause i could only think of one thing to change, and it's not that big a deal. like, it's not something that if i changed it my life would be completely different. and so, i remember feeling this intense desire to die and live with Jesus. and the way i died was very gentle. i felt like the oxygen was slowly getting denser and denser, and that i didn't need to breathe as much. it was really weird and it's still weird that i remember it so clearly. but i just think it's cool that in my dream i could only think of one trivial thing to change about my life. that's neat. i like knowing that i'm subconsciously pleased with the way my life's turned out so far. i'm not perfect by any means, and i know i'll make plenty of mistakes in the future. but think about it: having no regrets; being able to say to yourself if you had to die right now, you wouldn't regret or change anything. i think that's how i want to live my life. no regrets. take control of your life and live it. if you want to change something about yourself for the better, do it; if you like someone, ask them out; take control of your life, and live so you don't have any regrets.

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